The Love of a Conservative Christian

I know many will see the statement above and think it is an oxymoron. Conservative Christians are often labeled in the media as some of the most hateful and cold-hearted people in America, but I would like a chance to explain my side of things. You see, I don’t consider myself hateful, bigoted, cold-hearted or anything of the sort. In fact, I think of myself as very loving; I think I care very deeply for people even those I don’t know personally. I understand my beliefs stand in contrast to many and that my religious convictions cause me to take a different stance on many issues, but I still see my view as loving. I want to be clear, I am not writing this in an attempt to convert Atheists to Christians or liberals to conservatives, nor is my goal to show my side of things is the only loving side. I simply want a chance to explain what I believe and why I consider it to be a loving point of view.

LOVE Vs. love

Love is quite possibly one of the most constantly discussed topics in the world. It is one of, if not the most, commonly used theme in entertainment media: music, movies, novels, poems, TV shows, and even games. It is the main theme of the Bible. I consider the Bible to be the greatest love story ever told; the story of how much God loves all of us. However, it is also a topic of much dissension and confusion. Jesus’ final command to us was to love each other; reminding us that people would know we were His followers by how we loved. The world is clearly obsessed with the idea of love; a quick listen to the radio or a study of recent movie releases will quickly confirm that. The post-modern Christian movement even bases their entire belief system on loving and accepting everyone. Love is important to all three groups, so why can’t any of us really seem to agree on much when it comes to love? How can one topic cause so many arguments?

Christmas: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Christmas is almost here and soon, we will all be celebrating it in our own way. Christmas is celebrated all around the world and with many different traditions. Even from family to family, you will find different traditions in celebrating this special day. You may find differences in what food is served, when they open gifts, where it is celebrated and what songs are getting played, but it is all in celebration of Christmas.

To My Boys: …”You Will Have Trouble. But Take Heart…”


Dear God,

I’ve been lost in the darkness, and blinded by light;

I’ve stood in your presence, but now you’re no where in sight;

You gave me the strength of thousands, but now I’m losing the fight;

I thought I was winning, I thought I was running your race;

Now I’m so broken, all that I see is disgrace;

I’m tired and weary, can’t keep up this pace;

I listen at night, hoping to hear you call out;

But all I hear is nothing…just nothing, not even a sound;

Radical Christianity: Problem or Solution The Truth Behind Radical Christianity


Is being radical good or bad? I mean, if you mention that word alongside the teenage mutant ninja turtles, its all smiles and laughter, but if you mention it with religion you will more than likely get a completely different response. We have all seen horrible acts committed by different religious groups and the media has labeled them as “radicals” or “extremists.” With the mention of radical religion, you may start to think about 9/11 or Isis. Maybe you start to think about the Westboro Baptist Church, the Spanish Inquisition or even the crusades. I don’t know exactly where your mind goes, but I’m sure when you hear radical and religion together, you get a pretty clear picture in your head. So my question: is it a bad thing to be a radical Christian? Is that going too far?

Show Me The Money, Kaepernick!


Well, I thought I had put everything that I had to say into “Star Spangled Kaepernick,” but as it turns out, I’m not done with the subject. There seems to be a popular school of thought that Kaepernick needs to “put his money where his mouth is.” For the record, he did announce that he was donating a million dollars to charities that aid communities in need, but just the same, this sentiment confuses and, quite honestly, upsets me a little as well.