Seriously, Grandpa Joe?


Have you ever gone back and watched movies from your childhood? Most of the childhood magic is now gone. Sure, there is some nostalgia, but when you watch these movies as an adult you start to notice plot holes that you never picked up on as a child. Tonight, my wife and I watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as a way to remember the great Gene Wilder.

The Fear that Surrounds Me


I can’t remember the last time I was afraid of the dark. As a kid I had a dinosaur nightlight in my room, but I don’t remember when I stopped needing it. However, at 32 years old, that was clearly quite some time ago. I’ve never been a huge fan of horror movies. It’s not that I have some moral objection or I’m too scared; actually, it’s that they don’t scare me at all. I don’t watch comedies that I don’t think are funny either. I really can’t think of any one thing that actually causes me to be in fear.

I chose God, but what did I lose?


I accepted Jesus as my Lord at a very early age. I wish I could say that since that day, I have been living for God, but that just isn’t the truth. When I was a teenager and young adult I chose my own path. I scoffed at Godly counsel, ignored scripture and effectively turned my back on God. If asked I would say I was a Christian, but even a glimpse at my life would reveal the opposite. I ignored God and decided to do things my way.

Writing with a purpose? Why do I have a blog?


So I have been posting to this blog for a couple of months now, and I thought it might be a good idea to explain why I am doing this or at least what exactly it is that I’m trying to accomplish. I suppose this would have made for a good first post, but I didn’t think about writing about this until now. I wanted to try to explain why I write the things that I write and why I have chosen to post it to a blog.


The Problem With Silence


Do you remember high school; when you structured everything about yourself so you could fit in with some group? From what TV shows you watched to what you wore to what you listen to and even what you said. Actually come to thing of it; do you remember going to work yesterday?

Today, I was confronted with a something I think affects a lot of people. Or, at least, I hope that I’m not the only one. I’m thirty-one and while I don’t take drastic measures to fit in anymore, it is still so easy to alter my behavior to fit in. Not to the point where I act completely different, but maybe I just don’t stand up for what I believe.

Do Miracles Still Happen?


I don’t know about you, but I haven’t been to any parties where water turned into wine. I haven’t heard about any bodies of water being split or people being healed by touch either. Now, what is God doing? Where are all the miracles I hear about in the Bible? Is God still at work or am I on my own?

Will God Give You More Than You Can Handle? Hint: Yes He Will!!!


“God will never give you more than you can handle.” It’s what Christians love to say when we don’t know what to say. It is a cliché that we try to pass off as biblical comfort when, in reality, it is anything but. The fact is that statement isn’t biblical; actually it stands in stark contrast to what the Bible teaches us.