Life Lessons I Learned from Poker


I have been playing poker with friends since I was 18 and soon found that it was tailored towards some of my natural strengths: Patience, observation, deduction, and logical reasoning. Trying to better learn the game, I started to read books and watch professionals play on TV. I was able to learn it well enough to dominate the games I played with my friends, but never actually tried it in a tougher setting. However, as I have grown into a responsible adult I have learned that I am sometimes able to use the things that I learned at the poker table in everyday situations.

10 Ways Social Networks are Ruining Your Life!!!


Let me begin this by telling you that this whole list is just my opinion and in no particular order. I haven’t actually done any research; these are just things that annoy me and make me question the world’s sanity from time to time. You may have a completely different list and you may completely disagree with everything that I write here. That’s fine and I would actually love to hear your opinion. Here are the top 10 ways social networking sites are ruining our lives.


We don’t enjoy vacations; we just take pictures of new scenery for Facebook.

Radical Christianity: Problem or Solution The Truth Behind Radical Christianity


Is being radical good or bad? I mean, if you mention that word alongside the teenage mutant ninja turtles, its all smiles and laughter, but if you mention it with religion you will more than likely get a completely different response. We have all seen horrible acts committed by different religious groups and the media has labeled them as “radicals” or “extremists.” With the mention of radical religion, you may start to think about 9/11 or Isis. Maybe you start to think about the Westboro Baptist Church, the Spanish Inquisition or even the crusades. I don’t know exactly where your mind goes, but I’m sure when you hear radical and religion together, you get a pretty clear picture in your head. So my question: is it a bad thing to be a radical Christian? Is that going too far?

Why I Will Not Coexist!


Coexist: we have all seen the bumper stickers. You may see them and think it is a great idea; a call to world peace. If so, then you probably read this title and thought that it was a very hateful statement. I thank you for clicking on this post anyway and giving me a chance to explain myself. My hope is by the time I am done, you will see that my refusal to coexist is actually driven by love; love for God and love for all people, all of whom bear the image of God. Although, the image and movement were likely created with the best of intentions, it is clear that they were created from a world perspective instead of a biblical one. The individual that created it probably meant well, but I believe that he was unknowingly being influenced by a much darker force. Coexist is not a call for world peace. It is a call for religious reform.