Boys Are Easy

I have noticed a trend when people discover I have all boys. People often tell me that boys are easy. They tell me how easy it is to raise boys in comparison to girls. Girls, they say, you have to teach so much nowadays and you don’t have to worry about all that with boys. The first time I heard this, I remember thinking, “if this is easy, I would hate to see what hard is.” However, time has gone by and I’ve come to realize what they actually mean by boys “being easy” and girls “being hard.” They don’t mean raising boys is easy; they mean raising girls is scary. Scarier than it is to raise boys.

Keeping Your Balance

Have you ever tried to witness to somebody and felt like your words were falling flat? You knew all the answers to their questions, but you didn’t feel like you were able to answer them in a way that caused them to want to actually listen. You weren’t able to relay the wonder and excitement through your words. Perhaps, you have a different problem; you feel led to witness to somebody but you are scared to death you won’t have the answers to their questions. You are worried you will make things worse due to your lack of knowledge and understanding.

Stop “Interpreting” the Bible!

I have heard it said many times that the Bible is up for interpretation, but that simply isn’t the truth. The Bible is a book written as a message from God to us. God has stated that every word of it is true and useful for teaching. He has told us that it is complete and cannot be changed (Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6 and Revelations 22:18-19). God said what He said, and He meant what He said. I have no problem with the Bible being translated into a language or jargon that is easier to understand. I don’t typically read from a King James Bible; so I’m clearly not one to say it is the only “real Bible”. Although, I do think it is generally a good idea to reference different translations when studying scripture.

Open Letter from a Concerned Christian

I am writing this letter as a wake-up call. Christians need to open their eyes to the world that is around them. We have been lulled into a false sense of safety and the world is using that to slowly chip away at everything that we stand for. I can’t think of any other time in recent history when Christian beliefs and values were being attacked as fervently as they are today. We are being attacked from every direction at all times. They attack our beliefs, our morals, our redemption, our God, our intelligence and even our character. What is even more disconcerting is there are wolves within the Christian community that are using their platform to attack Christianity from within and so many people are falling right into the trap without ever realizing they are being led astray.

Happy New Year

I hope everyone had an excellent Christmas and was able to spend some time with friends and family. Now, here we are looking at yet another New Year. I’ll be honest this is one holiday that I never really understood the excitement for. I mean it is really just another day. It just so happens that this day starts a new calendar year. I’ve never found that my life changed drastically from December 31st to January 1st. I’ve never been a drinker or a social person so the New Year’s parties were never really any fun for me. I’m a night owl so staying up past midnight isn’t really that special. I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions and I’m certainly not putting on those goofy New Year’s glasses.  I’m not trying to be a downer; I just really don’t get it. All it has ever signified for me is 2 – 3 months of having to scratch out the date whenever I write it because I wrote the wrong year.

Thanksgiving: I Thank God For Evergreens!


Thanksgiving is nearly here, and it would seem the cold weather has finally decided to move in, at least here in Tennessee. Just the other day, I was standing outside watching a large tree as it was raining its leaves down on the ground. It wasn’t particularly windy, and I was just standing there, watching, as the colorless leaves broke away from the tree that once gave them life. Initially, I was just standing there enjoying the autumn scenery, but as I watched what must have been 100 leaves fall from this tree in a very short amount of time, the image began to take on a new meaning.  Suddenly, instead of leaves falling away from a tree, I started to see “believers” falling away from God. People disconnecting from their life source and were now simply falling to the ground. I knew that the thought didn’t come from me, because that just isn’t really the way that my mind typically works, but nonetheless, here I was staring at a tree and thinking about how so many people were falling away from their Lord and Savior.