Christmas is almost here and soon, we will all be celebrating it in our own way. Christmas is celebrated all around the world and with many different traditions. Even from family to family, you will find different traditions in celebrating this special day. You may find differences in what food is served, when they open gifts, where it is celebrated and what songs are getting played, but it is all in celebration of Christmas.
However, I’m not here to talk about which tradition is better. I’m not even here to give you a lecture on the true meaning of Christmas. Hopefully, you know what Christmas is really all about and if you don’t, I’m guessing I wouldn’t be the first to tell you that it is a day to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior who became flesh, to live a sinless life, to be crucified, in order to save us from our sin. Actually, what I want to talk about is the joy of Christmas. I hear lots of people talk about how Christmas is the best time of the year. People seem happier, kinder and more giving. People seem more willing to help their fellow man. You will see stories on the news and Facebook about how people have given money to shoppers, paid for others’ layaway items, delivered meals and all sorts of other acts of kindness. It really is an amazing time and really shows us good people do still exist in the world.
There is no doubt that Christmas is a Christian holiday and I’m not attempting to take that away, but it is clear that there are a lot of non-believers that still celebrate Christmas. They all have their own reasons, but they choose to celebrate it just the same. Think about that for a second. People that normally would reject anything Christian still choose to celebrate Christmas. Why do you think that is? The gifts: not likely since as adults they no doubt have to spend money on gifts themselves. The decorations: The lights and trees are pretty, but you can just as easily drive around and look at everyone else’s. Music: You can turn on the radio without celebrating the holiday. Friends and Family: Do you really need an excuse to hang out with the people you love? I have an idea of what causes them to reject so much about the Christian tradition, but still celebrate Christmas. It is the same reason that so many people call it the best time of year. They inherently enjoy the kindness from other people. The goodwill, the acts of love, the giving and all the other things that are associated with Christmas time.
You know what the sad part of that is? Yes, there is a sad part to all the wonderful things you see people doing on Christmas. All that stuff that I mentioned. All of the things that attract people to Christmas, and make even non-believers want to take part. It is all just people doing exactly what Christians are supposed to be doing all the time. The reason we love Christmas so much. The reason it seems like the best time of year, is because, for that month or so, everyone actually allows themselves to be more Christ-like. They are self-sacrificing instead of self-serving, kind instead of indifferent, giving instead of greedy, and actually show they care about others. I guess it shouldn’t be so surprising that it attracts so many people. I mean God told us to be like that because He knew that it would bring people to Him.
Every year for Christmas, we get to see exactly how effective being Christ-like is at reaching people, and yet, every year in January, we go right back to the way we have always been. Let’s try something different this year. Just like Ebenezer Scrooge decided to keep Christmas in is heart all the year round, let us hold on to the truth that Jesus has shown to us and continue to act like Christians even after we have unwrapped the gifts under the tree. Let us continue to be Christ-like and show His love to the people around us. Let us be kind and generous to others even when we are not shopping for presents. Let us sacrifice for others just as Jesus sacrificed His life for us. People ask, “why can’t it be like this all the time?” It can be; in fact, it should be. Christmas shouldn’t be the only time of the year that people get to witness Christians being Christian.