Stop “Interpreting” the Bible!

I have heard it said many times that the Bible is up for interpretation, but that simply isn’t the truth. The Bible is a book written as a message from God to us. God has stated that every word of it is true and useful for teaching. He has told us that it is complete and cannot be changed (Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6 and Revelations 22:18-19). God said what He said, and He meant what He said. I have no problem with the Bible being translated into a language or jargon that is easier to understand. I don’t typically read from a King James Bible; so I’m clearly not one to say it is the only “real Bible”. Although, I do think it is generally a good idea to reference different translations when studying scripture.

Always a Servant, Never a Slave!…or Am I?

The World

Did you realize we are all born into slavery? I know living in America, we are all told that we are born free, but in reality we are slaves the moment we come into this world. Most don’t realize it and we go about our daily lives thinking we are in complete control. The reason we think that, is because the slave master doesn’t want us to know that we are slaves. He doesn’t want us to know that we are under his control. He prefers to do his work in the shadows; remaining unseen and unnamed. He has an army of slave-drivers who have the job of keeping us in line; believing the lie and stuck in the trap.