Open Letter from a Concerned Christian

I am writing this letter as a wake-up call. Christians need to open their eyes to the world that is around them. We have been lulled into a false sense of safety and the world is using that to slowly chip away at everything that we stand for. I can’t think of any other time in recent history when Christian beliefs and values were being attacked as fervently as they are today. We are being attacked from every direction at all times. They attack our beliefs, our morals, our redemption, our God, our intelligence and even our character. What is even more disconcerting is there are wolves within the Christian community that are using their platform to attack Christianity from within and so many people are falling right into the trap without ever realizing they are being led astray.

LOVE Vs. love

Love is quite possibly one of the most constantly discussed topics in the world. It is one of, if not the most, commonly used theme in entertainment media: music, movies, novels, poems, TV shows, and even games. It is the main theme of the Bible. I consider the Bible to be the greatest love story ever told; the story of how much God loves all of us. However, it is also a topic of much dissension and confusion. Jesus’ final command to us was to love each other; reminding us that people would know we were His followers by how we loved. The world is clearly obsessed with the idea of love; a quick listen to the radio or a study of recent movie releases will quickly confirm that. The post-modern Christian movement even bases their entire belief system on loving and accepting everyone. Love is important to all three groups, so why can’t any of us really seem to agree on much when it comes to love? How can one topic cause so many arguments?