The Love of a Conservative Christian

I know many will see the statement above and think it is an oxymoron. Conservative Christians are often labeled in the media as some of the most hateful and cold-hearted people in America, but I would like a chance to explain my side of things. You see, I don’t consider myself hateful, bigoted, cold-hearted or anything of the sort. In fact, I think of myself as very loving; I think I care very deeply for people even those I don’t know personally. I understand my beliefs stand in contrast to many and that my religious convictions cause me to take a different stance on many issues, but I still see my view as loving. I want to be clear, I am not writing this in an attempt to convert Atheists to Christians or liberals to conservatives, nor is my goal to show my side of things is the only loving side. I simply want a chance to explain what I believe and why I consider it to be a loving point of view.

I chose God, but what did I lose?


I accepted Jesus as my Lord at a very early age. I wish I could say that since that day, I have been living for God, but that just isn’t the truth. When I was a teenager and young adult I chose my own path. I scoffed at Godly counsel, ignored scripture and effectively turned my back on God. If asked I would say I was a Christian, but even a glimpse at my life would reveal the opposite. I ignored God and decided to do things my way.