When The Sun Rises

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it but because by it I see everything else.”

C.S. Lewis

One of the things I really want to teach my kids is to be thankful. Sometimes, I feel like I can spend a whole day doing special things for them, and yet, they still find time to whine about the one thing I didn’t do or buy. I find myself thinking, “They never appreciate anything I do for them. They just want more.” It actually frustrates me so much that sometimes, I hesitate in doing extra things because I anticipate them being ungrateful. I consider myself to be a thankful and polite person, but recently God pointed out (as only God can) how completely ungrateful I can be at times.

I chose God, but what did I lose?


I accepted Jesus as my Lord at a very early age. I wish I could say that since that day, I have been living for God, but that just isn’t the truth. When I was a teenager and young adult I chose my own path. I scoffed at Godly counsel, ignored scripture and effectively turned my back on God. If asked I would say I was a Christian, but even a glimpse at my life would reveal the opposite. I ignored God and decided to do things my way.



Sin; it would seem to be a word that we don’t really talk about or think about very much. It is uncomfortable to talk about as if just thinking about sin is a sin itself. We don’t want anyone focusing on our sins and we don’t want to confront others about their sins, unless we are talking about the sins of a group that we aren’t associated with. Apparently, we only want to talk about sin when it can’t actually help anyone.