When The Sun Rises

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it but because by it I see everything else.”

C.S. Lewis

One of the things I really want to teach my kids is to be thankful. Sometimes, I feel like I can spend a whole day doing special things for them, and yet, they still find time to whine about the one thing I didn’t do or buy. I find myself thinking, “They never appreciate anything I do for them. They just want more.” It actually frustrates me so much that sometimes, I hesitate in doing extra things because I anticipate them being ungrateful. I consider myself to be a thankful and polite person, but recently God pointed out (as only God can) how completely ungrateful I can be at times.

Boys Are Easy

I have noticed a trend when people discover I have all boys. People often tell me that boys are easy. They tell me how easy it is to raise boys in comparison to girls. Girls, they say, you have to teach so much nowadays and you don’t have to worry about all that with boys. The first time I heard this, I remember thinking, “if this is easy, I would hate to see what hard is.” However, time has gone by and I’ve come to realize what they actually mean by boys “being easy” and girls “being hard.” They don’t mean raising boys is easy; they mean raising girls is scary. Scarier than it is to raise boys.

Grace For Dahmer

Grace: (in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.


That is how Google defined grace when I typed the word in the search engine. It is a pretty simple definition that is easy to understand. I think if you were to ask most Christians what grace is they would give a similar explanation. Perhaps not as eloquently put, but I think the gist would be the same. However, going beyond citing a definition, we don’t seem to understand it as well in practice: accepting God’s grace, who can receive God’s grace and offering grace to those around us. We speak of an eternal and everlasting grace, but yet we still try to place it in a box that matches what we are comfortable with.

Why I Will Not Coexist!


Coexist: we have all seen the bumper stickers. You may see them and think it is a great idea; a call to world peace. If so, then you probably read this title and thought that it was a very hateful statement. I thank you for clicking on this post anyway and giving me a chance to explain myself. My hope is by the time I am done, you will see that my refusal to coexist is actually driven by love; love for God and love for all people, all of whom bear the image of God. Although, the image and movement were likely created with the best of intentions, it is clear that they were created from a world perspective instead of a biblical one. The individual that created it probably meant well, but I believe that he was unknowingly being influenced by a much darker force. Coexist is not a call for world peace. It is a call for religious reform.