Political Correctness and the censorship of the truth

I have a few vague memories of political correctness as a child. All of these memories center around what terms were to be used when referring to a race. At least, in the eyes of a child, it seemed like it was all about avoiding needlessly offending people, which is a reasonable goal. However, as time has gone by and the PC movement has grown, it has taken on a completely new agenda. In recent years, it has become a demand that you don’t say anything that might hurt, offend or otherwise make anyone within a 500 mile radius even the least bit uncomfortable, even if what you are saying is the truth. In fact, in this new PC culture the truth holds little to no weight, because the focus is all about people’s feelings. More on that later.

Job’s Struggle Who Are You Helping?

In the book of Job, right after the description of Job and what a wealthy, Godly man he was, an interesting thing happens; Satan comes to God along with all the angels and tells Him that he has been wandering the earth. God, knowing He was wandering the earth to attack God’s children, mentions Job as a prime example of a man following God, but Satan challenges this by saying Job only loves God because God has blessed Him so much and once you take that away He will curse God like many others. God basically responds by telling Satan, “you think so? Ok go for it, take whatever you want, but don’t touch Job.” Satan takes away everything destroying all of Job’s cattle, killing his servants and even killing his children. Job literally gets the news of each tragedy back to back. The Bible says while one servant was giving him the news the next servant walked up and started talking. So you are talking about a man that within minutes has everything he has taken away from him. However, Job’s reaction is extraordinary.

Expecting the Blind to See

Have you ever seen or heard a non-Christian speaking about God or the Bible, perverting the message and twisting the words in a way to make it seem ignorant, bigoted and completely unbelievable? Is it a Facebook post where someone is arguing that Christians are hateful and unloving based on our biblical worldview? How do you feel when you see that? How do you react to it? Does it make you mad? Do you lash out and put them down for their ignorant point of view? Do you point out their lack of understanding? Do you jump into attack mode or do you remain silent and move on?

Keeping Your Balance

Have you ever tried to witness to somebody and felt like your words were falling flat? You knew all the answers to their questions, but you didn’t feel like you were able to answer them in a way that caused them to want to actually listen. You weren’t able to relay the wonder and excitement through your words. Perhaps, you have a different problem; you feel led to witness to somebody but you are scared to death you won’t have the answers to their questions. You are worried you will make things worse due to your lack of knowledge and understanding.

Age of Information

Peering through the looking glass
Staring down the hole
But we don’t call this place wonderland
So forget all you know
In the age of information
There is so much we can learn
But we just look it up on Google
Never bother to confirm
Libraries are just mausoleums
Of a forgotten time
When people searched for the truth
Simply as a matter of pride
Now we just rely on wiki
With all sources unknown
But still we just accept it
Like it was written in stone
We’ve replaced the requirement
Of a college degree
With meaningless quotes
From our idols of the silver screen
There’s nobody left researching
We want our facts at a glimpse
So welcome to the age of information
And the death of common sense

Easter Sunday

A wrongful conviction
Sinless crucifixion
Gave hope in my confliction
A chance for Satan’s eviction

My savior was villified
Willingly crucified
So I could be justified
Raised, the Son, was glorified

Public degradation
A spear, pierced to effusion
The blood of Salvation
Offering sanctification

When He said “it is finished”
His life He relinquished
Sins power diminished
God’s victory accomplished

Stop sins repetition
No more deflection
It’s time for reflection
On His resurrection

Stop and contemplate
think about your fate
When you reach heaven’s gate
Which path will you take?

How to Debate an Atheist

Let’s face it, nobody likes to lose. Regardless if it is a sport, a game, or a debate, we all want to be on the winning side when it is all over. However, when it comes to an argument or debate, the decision of who won is often left to the perception of the people involved. Meaning, if I debate a topic with you, unless one of us manages to change the other person’s opinion, we will both likely walk away feeling like we won. As Christians, when we debate anybody concerning God, Jesus and the Bible, we need to be really careful in deciding what our intentions are. Are we just trying to prove how smart we are, make ourselves feel better, show off our biblical knowledge or are we genuinely trying to bring them to know Jesus Christ? Since I believe the goal of all Christians should be to bring people to Christ, which is the type of winning I am going to cover in this article. If you are simply attempting to show you know more than your opponent, you may not find the contents of this article all that helpful.

Stop “Interpreting” the Bible!

I have heard it said many times that the Bible is up for interpretation, but that simply isn’t the truth. The Bible is a book written as a message from God to us. God has stated that every word of it is true and useful for teaching. He has told us that it is complete and cannot be changed (Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6 and Revelations 22:18-19). God said what He said, and He meant what He said. I have no problem with the Bible being translated into a language or jargon that is easier to understand. I don’t typically read from a King James Bible; so I’m clearly not one to say it is the only “real Bible”. Although, I do think it is generally a good idea to reference different translations when studying scripture.

Always a Servant, Never a Slave!…or Am I?

The World

Did you realize we are all born into slavery? I know living in America, we are all told that we are born free, but in reality we are slaves the moment we come into this world. Most don’t realize it and we go about our daily lives thinking we are in complete control. The reason we think that, is because the slave master doesn’t want us to know that we are slaves. He doesn’t want us to know that we are under his control. He prefers to do his work in the shadows; remaining unseen and unnamed. He has an army of slave-drivers who have the job of keeping us in line; believing the lie and stuck in the trap.